Arts-Based Methods for Evaluators
Beginner Course
Our signature hands-on, creative skill-building, online course is for practicing evaluators looking for a gentle introduction to arts-based data collection techniques to jazz up their practice.
Launched in 2021, we have taught 100+ evaluators how to add poetry, drawing, photo elicitation, and collage to their evaluation toolboxes!
We also offer one-off workshops & webinars for organizations and teams. Email us to chat about how we can personalize content to you.

Registration Is Closed
Registration for our upcoming 2025 cohort is closed.
Class details are here only for reference.
Wednesdays from 9:00am - 11:00am PST
Thursdays from 11:00am - 1:00pm PST
January 22 - Intro & Photo Elicitation
January 29 - Poetry Part 1
February 5 - Drawing
February 12 - Imaginative Interviewing
February 19 - Collage
February 26 - Poetry Part 2 & Wrap-Up
January 23 - Intro & Photo Elicitation
January 30 - Poetry Part 1
February 6 - Drawing
February 13 - Imaginative Interviewing
February 20 - Collage
February 27 - Poetry Part 2 & Wrap-Up

Get updates about the next course offering straight to your inbox!
Gain access to original content you won't find anywhere else & a supportive learning community!
12 hours of original content
6 x 2-hour live sessions with case studies & real-world examples
Connect with peers in a small class with plenty of discussions
Familiarity with 4 methods
Photo elicitation, poetry, drawing & collage
Confidence with art-making
Zero judgment for your artistic skills!
Hands-on skills
Time dedicated to practicing in each session
Imaginative Interviewing
Enhance your interviewing skills with more creative questions

Decide between arts methods
Elicit rich qualitative data
Navigate unique ethical questions
Facilitate 4 arts methods
You'll jazz up your evaluation toolbox by learning how to:

What People are Saying
Frequently Asked Questions
When are you offering the course again?
We are offering the course for 6 weeks from January 22/23, 2025 - February 26/27, 2025. It is likely that we will offer it again around the same time in early 2026, but the dates are TBD.
Who can register?
Practicing evaluators at any stage of their careers are welcome, and must have experience with:
Designing evaluation frameworks (setting goals, drafting evaluation questions, creating logic models and/or theories of change)
Conducting qualitative interviews and/or focus groups
Analyzing qualitative data
* The course will be taught in English. But, evaluators can join from anywhere in the world!
Do I have to be an artist?
No! Absolutely no artistic skill or experience is necessary.
What supplies do I need?
Access to a computer or tablet with internet & a microphone and camera for Zoom
Access to a camera or pre-existing photos (e.g., on your phone or in an album)
A pen or pencil
Paper or a notebook (lined, graph, or printer paper are all okay)
Colour markers, pencil crayons, or wax crayons (a few assorted colours is perfect)
Collage materials (glue, scissors, scrap items)
What if I cannot attend all sessions?
We recommend attending all sessions as we do not record classes and do not permit switching between sessions (i.e., if you register for the Wednesday class, you cannot attend a Thursday session if you miss yours). But, life happens! If you miss a class, you will have access to the slides to catch up before the next one.
Can I get a refund or transfer registration?
If you can no longer attend, you can transfer registration to someone else in your organization. Please email us to coordinate.
Full refunds can be issued before January 14. After January 15, we will not issue a refund for any reason. Please email us if you have any questions.
Is the registration fee flexible?
If money is the only thing stopping you from taking this course, email us. Capitalism sucks, and we are happy to discuss options for students, independent consultants, and folks without access to professional development funds.
Evaluators in BC may qualify for a DEI grant to help offset the costs of professional development. Learn More. Other Canadian evaluators are encouraged to ask their chapters for similar support.
Where can I learn more about arts-methods?
You can read more about arts-methods on our blog:
Arts-Based Methods 101 - the perfect appetizer for this course